Friday, June 20, 2014

Good art day!!!

As far as art goes, today was awesome.  Went to book illustration class today, and my teacher and I finally clinched the concept for how to get my whole "Rainy Big Wave Day" book to visually fit together.  I'm super excited to keep working on it!  Which is what I'm going to do as soon as I finish this post.

After book illustration class, it was mezzotint class.  Got there at 11-something and class didn't start till 2, so I had a couple of hours to prep my zinc plates and get started on my last plate for the other printmaking class (intaglio).  My series for The Magic Flute is almost done.  I just have to finish making that last plate on Wednesday and I'll be ready to print them all for the student exhibition.  During mezzotint today I got about one-third of the way through my next two plates of my series of Grandma portraits.  Hopefully I will have those finished by the end of class tomorrow.  So much printing to do, but a lot of fun at the same time!

By the way, I have to say I really love all my teachers here.  They are so kind and helpful.  Bernd, our book illustration teacher, is great.  He is super involved and knowledgeable about the whole bookmaking and publishing industry, and has a lot of good insight.  He is also really mellow and good-humored, which makes class with him a fun experience.  Louise, my teacher for mezzotint, is awesome too.  She reminds me of Miss Romero, my Torrey Academy teacher from my high school years at the Biola Star program--young and pretty with a soft voice and a nice smile.  She is from Köln (Cologne) and used to be a HAW student herself when she was getting her bachelor's degree.  Today she told me that she has lived in Hamburg for ten years, so based on that I think she has to be younger than 30.

Christian, the teacher for my Thursday life painting class, is nice too.  He is funny because he always says his English is "not so good" (sometimes he doesn't know a word for something, but I can always figure out what he means).  He gives lots of constructive criticism, but in a nice way, and he has helped me a lot with the technical side of painting: relative values, color temperature, sense of light, etc.  Katrin, my teacher for the intaglio printmaking class, is really great also.  She is very bubbly and always smiling, and she's always so eager to help us with what we need.  I have really enjoyed her class because she has introduced us to so many different techniques and she always seems so happy to be there with us.  One thing I have to say about art professors, at least at good art schools like CSULB and HAW, is that they are usually very friendly, approachable, and supportive to students as well as being really good at what they do.  They honestly end up being more like mentors and career guides than university professors!

Weather feels like it's regressing to early spring.  Overcast, around 60 degrees F, and strong winds.  Not really that bad, but after all the warm weather we've recently had here (and going mostly sweater-less in Paris and London!), that wind feels chilly!  Apparently "June gloom" exists in Hamburg too.

One minor concern today . . . cheekbones and head hurt.  That cold I had last week left a LOT of crud in my sinuses.  Notes to self: Must rinse sinuses with saltwater at least twice a day.  Must not get a sinus infection.  Must get sleep.

Gotta go . . . time to get on the homework!

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