Wednesday, June 4, 2014

All ready to go on holiday!

I can't believe I scheduled all these trips so close together but . . . after one week in Hamburg following my trip to Paris, I'm off to London!  Leaving tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 pm.  Hostel got good reviews, and it has free wifi and is right near St. Paul's Cathedral, so I will be able to walk to all the main tourist sights, keep up with blogging, and (hopefully) will have a nice spot to crash at night.  (For the record, the hostel in Paris really wasn't bad, despite all those scary reviews it got on TripAdvisor.)

Planning to meet up with Richie, the guy Marni and I met in Prague who is an indie musician from London.  I liked his music page on Facebook and he said we should try to get together while I am over in his city.  He didn't have any of his own gigs going on this week, so we arranged to meet tomorrow night after I get settled at the hostel and go to some little place in Camden where his friend is playing.  Should be fun!

Went to printmaking class today and also spent about an hour in the computer lab compiling info about stuff to see in London.  There is SO MUCH to see in big cities like London and Paris . . . you have to do a lot of researching, picking and choosing, and when you actually are there you end up having to go by the seat of your pants a lot of the time based on weather, opening hours of different museums and sites, etc.  But no matter what I do, it will just be so cool to BE in London!  It's the other city, besides Paris, that I've dreamed of visiting for so long.  I can't wait to walk around and get a feel for the place!

Tonight I had a "girls' night" with Indra.  We did a homemade facial mask, massages with baby oil (our hands and feet really needed some TLC!), and then did each other's hair.  It was really nice and relaxing . . . we put on some music while we did it.

Must go to bed now . . . very sleepy!  Not enough hours of shut-eye last night!

1 comment:

  1. Paris and London back to back? quote Emily and Joanna.....YOLO!!!
