I went to the doctor this morning and got a chiropractic recommendation, but when I went to the chiropractic office this afternoon after class, they said I had to have an appointment and there were none available early enough tomorrow before Marni and I leave for Prague (we're going right after lunch). So the back is still out, and will remain out for another week at least. I confess I was really bummed out when I came home . . . it just felt like I had wasted so much time for nothing, which was super frustrating. I stretched for almost an hour before dinner and filled Teddy-chen with super hot water, but those knots in my back just will NOT let go. Ouch!
Don't think Indra would share my excitement though. She doesn't like mushrooms!
Tomorrow morning Marni and I will go to class and then after lunch we'll head for Prague, via Berlin. We're taking buses again--those generally seem to be the cheapest option for traveling within or just beyond the German borders. I like the buses, actually. They are usually fairly clean and comfortable, and they have snacks/drinks you can buy and an on-board toilet. Beats a low-budget airplane, if you ask me. Anyway, our hostel in Prague is a fairly decent size and I'm pretty sure it has wi-fi, so hopefully you will be getting some kind of blog posts. I won't promise though, since you never know for sure what the deal is till you get there . . .
Have to say, after the whole Kraków incident I'm a bit nervous. I hope we don't have any illnesses or injuries on this trip! But I know God will take care of things. It's just getting the "worrywart" in me to trust Him that's the tricky part!
Oh, and check it out . . . part of a watercolor for my book illustration project! I finished this one last night. Maybe I'm finally starting to get the hang of this whole watercolor thing. If only acrylics would cooperate this well . . .
Early 90's Reebok's - oh my!