Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rain, drizzle, and then some more rain

This has kind of been the weather pattern the last few days.  I don't think the old adage is true for Hamburg.  It's more like "April flowers, then May showers."  At least so far.

I went to the doctor this morning and got a chiropractic recommendation, but when I went to the chiropractic office this afternoon after class, they said I had to have an appointment and there were none available early enough tomorrow before Marni and I leave for Prague (we're going right after lunch).  So the back is still out, and will remain out for another week at least.  I confess I was really bummed out when I came home . . . it just felt like I had wasted so much time for nothing, which was super frustrating.  I stretched for almost an hour before dinner and filled Teddy-chen with super hot water, but those knots in my back just will NOT let go.  Ouch!

Not sure how glamorous my dinner actually was, but it looked pretty!  I made pseudo-Ramen out of spaghetti, frozen soup vegetables, and vegetable bouillon with cumin.  It didn't taste quite as flavorful as regular Ramen (though it was probably a lot lower in sodium than the packaged stuff!), but I was trying to use up my mushrooms before I went to Prague and so I garnished it with a whole mushroom.  Who knew a mushroom could make a soup look so cool???

Don't think Indra would share my excitement though.  She doesn't like mushrooms!

Tomorrow morning Marni and I will go to class and then after lunch we'll head for Prague, via Berlin.  We're taking buses again--those generally seem to be the cheapest option for traveling within or just beyond the German borders.  I like the buses, actually.  They are usually fairly clean and comfortable, and they have snacks/drinks you can buy and an on-board toilet.  Beats a low-budget airplane, if you ask me.  Anyway, our hostel in Prague is a fairly decent size and I'm pretty sure it has wi-fi, so hopefully you will be getting some kind of blog posts.  I won't promise though, since you never know for sure what the deal is till you get there . . .

Have to say, after the whole Kraków incident I'm a bit nervous.  I hope we don't have any illnesses or injuries on this trip!  But I know God will take care of things.  It's just getting the "worrywart" in me to trust Him that's the tricky part!

Oh, and check it out . . . part of a watercolor for my book illustration project!  I finished this one last night.  Maybe I'm finally starting to get the hang of this whole watercolor thing.  If only acrylics would cooperate this well . . .

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