Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hooray! Got my residence permit and I'm off to Paris!

I was in printmaking class for one hour this morning and then left at 11 to go to the Rathaus for my residence permit appointment.  Praise the Lord!  It went smoothly and pretty quickly, I got the sticker on my passport, and I was back at school by 12:45.  YAY!  I'm so glad God worked it out!

Did two plates at once this afternoon, to make up for the fact that I won't be there next week.  Ended up not leaving school till 6:15 . . . long day . . . but the prints came out very nice.

Today the weather is so humid!  Indra says it's unusual for May.  Walking back to Georgi-Haus from school I was so hot.  It felt like I was going super slow and I'd never get home.  It is cloudy too, which holds all the humidity in like a blanket.  I'm glad I am leaving for Paris tomorrow.  It's supposed to rain a couple of the days but hopefully it will at least be a bit cooler!

By the way, I probably won't be able to post because the hostel doesn't have free wifi.  So be prepared for an insanely long post when I come back . . . ick, I'm not looking forward to writing it all down either.  It's so much easier to blog when you can stay on top of each day as it happens!

My flight leaves at 6:45 tomorrow morning, and I'm planning to get up at 4-ish, so I'm going to try to go to bed early for once.  Still about two hours of daylight left, which makes it seem completely wrong to try to sleep, but I'm tired enough it probably won't matter.  I haven't slept enough hours the past few nights (though I've slept hard) and I am exhausted after today.  This humidity is draining my energy at an unbelievable rate of speed.

Anyway, I'll be back with lots of photos and stories when I get home from Paris!  (And by then I will be 23 years old, since my birthday is this weekend!)  Still hard to believe I'm really going to see the city I've read and dreamed so much about.  I'm returning the night of the 28th. Au revoir for now!

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