Monday, May 19, 2014

I got a package today!

It was from Aunt Nadia.  I recognized the handwriting instantly the moment Indra brought it in.  She said, "Do you mind if I stay while you open it . . . ?" and I said, "Not at all!"  Opening packages is generally more fun with someone else there, especially when it's a birthday package . . .

(My birthday is on Saturday, by the way.  The trip to Paris was my present to myself.  I'm leaving on Thursday morning.)

Anyway, this parcel was a classic Aunt Nad wrapping job, with an unbelivable amount of items fit into one package, and the classic selection of personal items that I can always expect from Aunt Nad.  There was a T-shirt and a NEW SCARF! (I'm way into scarves now because they are such a thing here--everybody wears them) in one wrapping paper, and a notebook, a nail file, some hair ties, two packs of gum, two new pairs of sparkly earrings (I love them too!) and two mini bags of pita chips in the other wrapping.  All in one standard-size bubble wrap manila envelope.  I tell you, my aunt's got skills.  She is a gift-giving expert!

I tried on the scarf, shirt, and earrings and I like them so much.  The earrings are so fun--I love sparkly stuff!  I put the pita chips, gum, and notebook straight in my backpack to take to Paris.

Went to Rewe after that.  Accidentally bought two cans of lentils rather than a can of lentils and one of peaches, and realized once I got home that my last onion was moldy and I had forgotten salad dressing. So I took the train to Eppendorfer Baum, did a walk down the other side of the Alster for a change of scenery (it was really beautiful!) and then took the train back home, getting off at a different stop so I could go by Aldi on the way home for the peaches, onions, and dressing.  Aldi is a bit cheaper than Rewe, but Rewe is closer and has a better fruit and veggie selection so I generally just go there.  But in this case, Aldi was easy.

Fun fact: Aldi is an international supermarket chain based in Germany, and the brothers who own it are extremely wealthy (like Forbes wealthy).  Their joint trust owns the Trader Joe's corporation, so even though there aren't Trader Joe's stores here (at least not as far as I know), Aldi carries some products with the TJ label.  Case in point--today the canned peaches I bought were Trader Joe's peaches!

Anyway, spent the afternoon trying to figure out Paris stuff and do homework . . . must be more focused . . . must not get distracted. . .

I made veggie burgers for dinner!  (That was why I needed the onions.)  It took a while to do it because it's a lot of work for one person, but in the end they came out delicious and I had 7 patties total: 1 to eat and 6 to put in the freezer.  Sautéed the veggies an extra long time and used a yellow bell pepper, so they had a hint of sweetness.  Yum!

Also got to Skype with Mom, Emily, and Joanna tonight!  That was fun.

Time for bed!  Finally got a chiropractic appointment tomorrow morning . . . my arm is feeling better, but I need to get my back adjusted before something else seizes up on me.  :)

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