Gurke - cucumber
Backpulver - baking soda
Zimt - cinnamon
Senf - mustard
Erbsen - peas
Muesli - granola
Fettarme - lowfat
Fertig - ready
Spülung - hair conditioner
Seife - soap
Aktionspreis - sale price
Sehr - very
Sofort - immediately
Übergang - transition, transfer, change
Einsteigen - to board, get on
Fahren - to drive
Einfahrt/Ausfahrt - driveway in/out
Eintritt - admission, entry
Einbahnstraße - one-way street
Kontonummer - account number
Kontoinhaber - account holder
Unterschrift - signature
Rückgeld - change (as in money)
Kasse - cashier
Indra taught me and Petra a new word tonight: "gruselig." It means "creepy." We have a joke going around between the three of us that our apartment is haunted, because stuff keeps disappearing and reappearing. Indra lost a ring last weekend while I was in Berlin, and then found it in the exact spot on her desk where she had looked ten times. Tonight the toaster went missing. We have NO idea where it went. Of course somebody else in our apartment could have taken it to their room, but why on earth would anybody want to take a beat-up old toaster into their room and have it rain burnt crumbs all over their carpet?
Anyway, I feel like I'm still not picking up enough words though. People talk to me in German and I have absolutely no clue what they are saying to me. I need to study more . . .
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