Monday, March 10, 2014

First day of school-related stuff

I'm proud to say I woke up to my alarm on time today!

Orientation week doesn't start till next Monday, but this afternoon we had an informative meeting for all the international students in information technology, art, and design.  It was at the Finkenau campus, the place where Kenneth and I went last week to print out my forms.  My classes are all going to be at Finkenau.

Registration here is totally different from in the U.S.  You look at the course catalog and find the courses you think you want to take, then you go to the teacher's orientation for those classes.  If you decide to take the class, you just tell the professor you want to enroll, and he or she will add you to the list.  None of that register-3-months-in-advance thing they give you at American universities.

I'm hoping to take Figure Painting (which is like life drawing and artists' anatomy but with painting rather than drawing), a lithography class called Mezzotint, and some kind of book-illustration class (right now I'm leaning towards one called Picture & Concept Book).  I can't wait to see how they run the classes here--they seem very "out of the box" compared to the ones at CSULB!

Made scrambled eggs and brown-bread toast for breakfast.  Too heavy . . . I think I need to stick to cornflakes earlier in the day.  (Are brown eggs richer than white eggs or something?  Anybody know?)

Dinner was much better.  Baked potatoes (the ones I bought here are smaller than fist-size and kind of golden inside) with mixed veggies and a big salad.  Yum!  I think I'm starting to get the hang of this whole cooking thing . . .

Happy moment of the day: The flowers we picked in the Stadtpark the other day started to bloom, and I was so excited when they turned out to be daffodils!!!

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