Friday, March 7, 2014

Finally got back to the sketchbook today!

This morning Kenneth helped me go to the AOK office and register for student health insurance.  We were both really glad to have gotten all the paperwork done successfully!

After that I went to the Rathausmarkt and drew for a couple of hours.  It was another sunny day, and a lot of people were out.  I was there between noon and 2 pm, so it was pretty busy downtown.  After that I walked around for a little bit.  I went into St. Petri and St. Jacobi churches, which are only about a block apart from each other.  Hamburg has a lot of old churches with a bell tower and a nave.  Almost all of them are Protestant as far as I've been able to find out, but they still look like Catholic churches, with crucifixes and statues of Mary and things like that.  So I'm not quite sure if Protestant churches here are a lot different than I'm used to in the States . . .

Most of the international students went to the brewery tonight to go on a tour and sample the beer, but I spent the remainder of the day finding a few things to cozy up my room.  Indra told me it was way too sterile and that it needed some pillows, some more things on the walls, a candle--something more homey.  So I bought a super-duper-cheap pack of four mini candles for my windowsill, picked some tulips and crocuses near the Stadtpark to put in a vase, and made some paper cutouts and hung them on the wall.  Indra also loaned me one of her pillows.  And it does look a lot cozier.  I'm glad she suggested the things she did, because I had no idea how to de-sterilize my room to make it feel like a room.

Also finished stringing my guitar!

Stay tuned . . . more photos from the "Welcome Week" coming tomorrow!

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