Saturday, March 1, 2014

First hostel stay was a winner!

So . . . I have now stayed in a hostel for the first time ever.  Cross that off the bucket list . . .

It was the A&O Hamburg City, which is right in the middle of the downtown hustle and bustle.  A really good first experience!

Perks: Quiet roommates, yummy breakfast, big clean room with nice shower and comfy bed, pizza at the snack bar, AMAZING city views from 9th-floor rooftop deck.

Downsides: Not knowing whether the smell of B.O. in the room is yours or someone else's. 

Yeah, I'd definitely say that the many perks of my stay outweighed the been-traveling-too-long-in-dirty-clothes fragrance.

I ran into Candace, one of the other study abroad students from CSULB, in the lobby and we had pizza at the snack bar for dinner.  I also went up on the rooftop deck, which is on the 9th floor.  It was really chilly and damp, but beautiful.  Looking out across the city, I had that first sense of "Now I KNOW I'm in Europe . . ."

Here are some pics.  This hostel is BIG--it takes up half the block!

(View from front window looks over the I-Punkt skatepark.)


  1. Susan! Im soo thirlled you've made it safely little sister. Glad everything is working out well! Can't wait to read more about your adventures! Miss you and praying for you.

    Your big brother, Peter
